I am a graduate student at the University of Alabama working on my MLIS (Master in Library & Information Studies). Prior to this degree, I earned a BA in History and a MA in Secondary Education. After discovering that the classroom was not my true calling, I embraced my love for children's and young adult literature and applied to library school. Upon graduation, I hope to work in youth services, and, if dreams really do come true, become involved in collection development and criticism.
Since childhood, books have been my stars, guiding me through life by teaching me important lessons about tolerance and empathy, broadening my horizons, stretching my imagination, and shaping the person I would become. Without the books of my youth, I would be a different person, and my professional motivation lies in introducing this invaluable portal to other young lives.
As a part of my coursework, I have developed this blog to showcase my research, reading, and reviews. Herein, you will find book reviews, links, and general information on children's and young adult literature, as well as some of the major issues influencing the modern librarian. Welcome, and read on.